Visit us during Office Hours to see rookie producers and local talent run through IELTS news, resources, extra help and updates.

Office Hours

Wednesdays (coming soon)

3:00 PM – 5:00 PM. Vancouver Pacific Time Zone

AlyIELTS staff are available to help out during office hours via email,  live chat or telephone.  For student and teacher members on this website.  

Click here to go to the Contact Us page.  

Live Stream Schedule


Post your questions

Submit questions about IELTS and enter live chat.

3:30 – 4:00

IELTS Update

Latest news and updates about IELTS in Vancouver.


Office Hours Live

Live from Vancouver with local ESL teachers and guest hosts. 


Visit the AlyIELTS Bookstore today.  Find recommended IELTS exam practice materials, workbooks and more from Amazon.  

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IELTS Speaking Preparation

Find all lessons for the IELTS Speaking Course on the Notebook Page

21 Day Schedule

Use the 21 Day Schedule to organize your study.  

Book a Class

Take a class with a teacher from Vancouver.  Study in a local coffee shop and get feedback about your progress. 

Mailing List

Get the latest news from AlyIELTS Vancouver and more!  Join our mailing list today.
