
9i Riding a bicycle (Part 1)

0:00 --- Instructions
0:18 --- Sample Task Prompt
0:42 --- Training Session Example
2:12 --- Preparation Feedback
2:18 --- Assessment Feedback

In the training session example, Darby Laai practices a sample IELTS task from Part 1 of the test. The English Teacher follows the task prompt, and he waits until the appropriate time to deliver his feedback comment.

English Teacher: Is riding a bicycle popular in your country?
Darby Laai: I would say so yeah.
English Teacher: Why?
Darby Laai: Oh maybe not in my country...I don't know about that, but I do know that it is popular in Vancouver. And I would have to say the reason is that it is so easy to get around the city on a bicycle. To me at any rate.

English Teacher: Do you enjoy riding a bicycle?
Darby Laai: I used to.
English Teacher: Why?
Darby Laai: When I was a teenager I rode my bicycle everywhere, but then when I was 19 I was riding on the Lougheed Highway on my way to work in the morning and zoom out of nowhere a lady half asleep took a left and my bicycle hit the front and I flew over the hood of the car and did a safety roll on the other side.

English Teacher: Oh. When was the last time you rode a bicycle ?
Darby Laai: Hmmm...not sure. I suppose it must have been a couple of years ago.
English Teacher: Why?
Darby Laai: Because a pretty girl asked me and I couldn't say no. Oh I forgot to use the expression...Can I try it again?
English Teacher: Uh huh...Ok...Ah hem...Let's go to the next question. Do you think that learning to ride a bicycle is important for young people?
Darby Laai: I certainly do.
English Teacher: Why?
Darby Laai: Because it is a good skill to have in order to get around the neighborhood or to get to school or to the convenience store or wherever. Oh no, I didn't use an expression for “because” again...I'll never learn!
English Teacher: Just be patient. You will get it the next time. Besides, it didn't sound too bad. Remember, you don't have to use everything from the lesson. Just consider it your chance to show a variety of language during the test. Would you like to try the task again?
Darby Laai: Yes please. Would you please ask me the two questions with "why" again?
English Teacher: Let's do one of them and move on to the next task. You'll get another question asking you for a reason in the next task as well.

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