6vi Jobs (Part 1)


0:00 --- Instructions
0:18 --- Sample Task Prompt
0:39 --- Training Session Example
1:10 --- Preparation Feedback
3:33 --- Assessment Feedback

In the training session example, Darby Laai practices a sample IELTS task from Part 1 of the test. The English Teacher follows the task prompt, and he waits until the appropriate time to deliver his feedback comment.

English Teacher: Have you ever had a job?
Darby Laai: I certainly have.
English Teacher: Why?
Darby Laai: I suppose it's because...well, just because I guess. I mean everyone should work right? Even teachers who don't get paid to prepare for their classes still prepare don't they? I guess everyone should work. Should? Must?

English Teacher: Uh huh...ok well...ah hem...Let's go on to the next question in this set. 

Darby Laai: Before that, I have a quick question.
English Teacher: Go ahead.
Darby Laai: How can I use the word "should" in English?

English Teacher: Mr. Laai, books and books have been written about that and I can tell you that my one minute answer will not help you.
Darby Laai: OK, what should I do?
English Teacher: Huh...Let's stay focused on the feedback comments for this task...and in the next task stay focussed on the feedback comments and eventually we will have some context to discuss this either before or after the training session.

Darby Laai: Ok fair enough.
English Teacher: Is it common for young people to have jobs in your country?
Darby Laai: It depends. What do you mean by young?
English Teacher: Is it common for young people to have jobs in your country?
Darby Laai: Uhhh...I guess so.
English Teacher: Why?
Darby Laai: I am not really sure about the reason...I suppose it might be because young people need money to go to university or perhaps pay for their living expenses while attending university....so they get various kinds of jobs. Like working in a restaurant or cafe or pub or something. But they don't plan to be there forever although some of them certainly pretend that it is their lifetime job when it isn't really.
English Teacher: Uh huh...ok sure...Umm...Well then next question. What kind of job would you like to have in the future?

Darby Laai: I am doing what I love to do right now.
English Teacher: Why?
Darby Laai: I think it is due to the fact that I can write what I want and how I want whenever I want to as long as it is what I know from study or experience. I mean...is this another rant?
English Teacher: No comment. But I agree that one should teach what they know and no more or no less. Do you prefer working with other people or working alone?
Darby Laai: I like both actually but if I had to choose one I would have to say with other people...as long as we agree on who is in charge.
English Teacher: Why?
Darby Laai: It's just no fun when there are too many chiefs in the room. You know what I am saying

English Teacher: Uhh...no comment for now...You used a good alternative for yes or no when you said "I guess so", but it wasn't natural because it seems like you were confused by the question.
Darby Laai: Yes, I wasn't sure what you meant by "young people".
English Teacher: Remember, you may not always get an explanation during Part 1 of the exam...but better to check the official test website about that. My job is to ask questions, listen to your answers, manage the time, provide you with feedback and help you move forward.
