
6iii The radio (Part 1)


0:00 --- Instructions
0:17 --- Sample Task Prompt
0:38 --- Training Session Example
1:40 --- Preparation Feedback
3:12 --- Assessment Feedback

In the training session example, Darby Laai practices a sample IELTS task from Part 1 of the test. The English Teacher follows the task prompt, and he waits until the appropriate time to deliver his feedback comment.

English Teacher: Is listening to the radio common in your country?
Darby Laai: No I can't say that it is unfortunately.
English Teacher: Why not?
Darby Laai: I suppose it's because most people use the internet or other internet applications to get their news or listen to their favorite the radio just doesn't get turned on.

English Teacher: Do you listen to the radio?
Darby Laai: I do actually.
English Teacher: Why?
Darby Laai: A couple of reasons. First of all, the radio is live and the people on the radio have to be really talented to create language and convey ideas on the spot. It's not like making a recording and having the opportunity to change what they said afterwards. And second, the quality of sound on the radio is better in my opinion.

English Teacher: I see. How often do you listen to the radio?
Darby Laai: Around once a week. Whenever I take the car out for a drive.
English Teacher: Why?
Darby Laai: It's just that...I don't have a CD player in my car! Teacher, do I always have to start a reason with an expression from the lesson? I mean, I want to try out different ways to give reasons and the ones in the lesson seem really easy.
English Teacher: It's a good starting place. Better to learn those ones and try new ones during the preparation feedback or assessment feedback part of the live class.
Darby Laai: I see...ok.
English Teacher: Shall we move on to the next question?
Darby Laai: Ok.
English Teacher: What kind of radio stations do you listen to?

Darby Laai: Well, I am eclectic when it comes to the the kind of radio stations I listen to...I mean I like talk radio, classic rock, new music...but I suppose if I had to choose one kind it would be radio stations that play jazz music late at night.
English Teacher: Why?
Darby Laai: Hmmm....I think I would have to say that it is relaxing and cool. I have some friends who are jazz musicians...they seem to have everything under control in the moment you know what I mean? Not like those musicians who only worry about what other people think about them and who spend hours and hours on the computer fixing each note and each line and then expecting other people to like them because they got some views on social media or something...but maybe it's worth it...I don't know I don't play music.
English Teacher: Ok...uh huh...I see. Sounds like another rant.

Darby Laai: There is that word again...I suppose you are just going to tell me to look it up myself right

English Teacher: Your feedback comment is green here: You were natural in your responses to the yes/no questions and you responded without hesitation. You can work this into future assessment tasks that have a different focus, but for now, let's move on. Let me write a couple of notes down to discuss with you after the training session.
Darby Laai: Ok, thank you.

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