
6ii The ocean (Part 1)


0:00 --- Instructions
0:16 --- Sample Task Prompt
0:36 --- Training Session Example
0:51 --- Preparation Feedback
2:31 --- Assessment Feedback

In the training session example, Darby Laai practices a sample IELTS task from Part 1 of the test. The English Teacher follows the task prompt, and he waits until the appropriate time to deliver his feedback comment.

English Teacher: Do you live near the ocean?
Darby Laai: I suppose I do.
English Teacher: Why?
Darby Laai: Well, I suppose it's because I live right here in Vancouver...and Vancouver is right on the ocean. As a result, I live near the ocean right? I was wondering about this, teacher? I want to sound more advanced here. How can I answer this kind of question with a more advanced expression?

English Teacher: It's a better idea for you to plan to ask this kind of question in the first part of the live class or before the training session. Shall we move on?
Darby Laai: Right. Sure.
English Teacher: Is the ocean a popular place to visit in your country?

Darby Laai: I wouldn't say it is that popular.
English Teacher: Why not?
Darby Laai: A couple of reasons. First of all, most people who live in Canada do not live near the ocean...I mean, it's a pretty big country. Second, when people want to visit a place near water, they go to a river or a lake or some other body of water other than the ocean. That's what I think anyway.
English Teacher: Have you ever sailed in a boat on the ocean?
Darby Laai: I have.
English Teacher: Why?
Darby Laai: I suppose it's because I was invited to go on a cruise for one of those parties around English Bay. Those are always fun and the views are incredible.

English Teacher: Do you like swimming in the ocean?
Darby Laai: I can't say that I do.
English Teacher: Why not?
Darby Laai: A couple of reasons. A because the ocean here in Vancouver is not very clean. What I mean to say is that there is a lot of pollution in the water at the popular beaches here in Vancouver. And B, it's just too cold. Although there is a popular swimming event in the ocean that happens on every New Year's Day. It's called the polar bear swim.

English Teacher: I see. I think you used natural expressions to answer the yes/no questions in this task. Well done!
Darby Laai: Thank you. Can I ask you a question after class about living near the ocean? 

English Teacher: You certainly can. Let me make a note and we'll talk about it briefly afterwards. Now let's move on to the next assessment task that you selected during your preparation.

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