
6i Dancing (Part_1)


0:00 --- Instructions
0:16 --- Sample Task Prompt
0:36 --- Training Session Example
1:00 --- Preparation Feedback
2:14 --- Assessment Feedback

In the training session example, Darby Laai practices a sample IELTS task from Part 1 of the test. The English Teacher follows the task prompt, and he waits until the appropriate time to deliver his feedback comment.

English Teacher: Do you like dancing?
Darby Laai: For sure yeah.
English Teacher: Why?
Darby Laai: Hmmm...let me see...Why do I like dancing? I suppose it's because I like certain types of music and dancing to that music is just the natural thing to do! I mean, I am not very good...

English Teacher: Is dancing popular among young people in your country?
Darby Laai: Teacher, I have heard this question before and I want to answer it in a more advanced way. How can I do that?
English Teacher: Use the response that you have thought about before coming to class and I will provide some feedback afterwards.
Darby Laai: Ok...can you please repeat the question?
English Teacher: dancing popular among young people in your country?
Darby Laai: I don't unfortunately.
English Teacher: Why not?
Darby Laai: I would have to say the reason is that some people like to dance...but I wouldn't necessarily say it is popular.
English Teacher: Do you think that dancing is a good skill for young people to learn?
Darby Laai: Absolutely.
English Teacher: Why?
Darby Laai: I guess I would have to say it's because I feel that dancing can give some people confidence.
English Teacher: Do you prefer dancing or watching other people dance?
Darby Laai: I like both actually, but if I had to choose one, I guess I would have to go with watching other people dance.

English Teacher: Why?
Darby Laai: The reason is simple. I won't spill the soft drink I am holding while watching.
English Teacher: Uh huh...ok...yeah right. Darby Laai, let me give you some feedback about when you answered the question about dancing being popular. The question was, "Is dancing popular among young people in your country?" You gave me an answer with "Unfortunately". Do you remember what you said?
Darby Laai: I don't unfortunately...oh I mean it isn't unfortunately.
English Teacher: The second one matches the question. Would you like to try that question again? Darby Laai: Yes please.
English Teacher: Is dancing popular among young people in your country?
Darby Laai: It isn't unfortunately.
English Teacher: Much better. By the way, I thought your reason was interesting.
Darby Laai: Thank you.

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